Michael Brown's Ex-Con Stepfather Louis Head is Being Investigated for Inciting Ferguson Riots

By now I think nearly everyone has seen the video of Michael Brown's stepfather shouting into the crowd, "Burn this b**** down!" shortly after the grand jury announced its' decision not to indict officer Darren Wilson for the Aug. 9 shooting that killed the teen. While many have said that Louis Head, Brown's step-dad, wasn't actually inciting violence, he was just reacting to the pain in that moment, the Ferguson police department doesn't necessarily see it that way.

Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson has confirmed to CNN that many witnesses to Head's behavior that evening have already been interviewed and they are deciding whether or not to bring formal, criminal charges against Head. The 38-year-old ex-con, who has served multiple prison terms already, called for violence on at least 10 occasions and at one point, he asked for a microphone so that his message could reach more people.

Of course, some are going to say that this is an insult on top of the trauma that Brown's family has already suffered. On the other hand, Jackson firmly believes that someone should be held accountable for all of the violence and destruction that occurred in Ferguson and its surrounding communities and Head has really made himself the perfect person to make an example out of. He's already been locked up a few times on drug dealing and trafficking offenses which doesn't exactly make him the guy that law enforcement will even want to cut a break .

Do you think that Head should face charges in connection with inciting the violence and riot that occurred in Ferguson? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!

Michael Brown, Ferguson, Riot, Violence, Darren Wilson, Indictment, Grand jury, Investigation
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