• 5 Les Paul Gifts to Modern Music: Solid-Body Guitars, Multitrack Recording, More

    Today marks what would have been the 100th birthday of Les Paul, one of the greatest innovators in music history, both for his work with instruments and with recording technology (and he wasn't half bad as a guitar player either). Music Times has assembled five of Paul's greatest contributions to the music world, in order of when he was most involved in its development. Understand that none of these technologies were solely his creation, but none of them would be the way we know them today if it weren't for his contributions, from the solid-body guitar to multitrack recording.
  • Deadmau5's Mau5trap Releases 'We Are Friends Vol. 4' Compilation

    After nearly a year a half a since the release of 'We Are Friends Vol. 2' and 'Vol. 3,' deadmau5's label, mau5trap, has come back with the fourth volume in their compilation series in just four months. The 11-track compilation features some of the new and budding talent the label has been pushing lately including ATTLAS, Enzo Bennet and NEUS, as well as more known name Matt Lange, who has found a new home on Zimmerman's label.
  • Pink Floyd's David Gilmour Announces New Solo Album 'Rattle That Lock'

    While Pink Floyd's former bassist Roger Waters cut ties with the band that gave him his fame to focus on his solo career, guitarist David Gilmour maintains participation with the band as well as putting out solo work. His latest album 'Rattle That Lock' will follow up his 2006 LP 'On an Island.'
  • 'DJPON3 Presents My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Remixed' Album Preview & Tracklist [EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE]

    The world of Equestria in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic has always been filled with music. From the inescapable theme song to bops like "Winter Wrap Up" and "Love Is in Bloom," Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and friends have always been all about breaking out in song. It didn't take long for My Little Pony to break out of its targeted 9- to 13-year-old girl demo to the world of Bronies, and with that, unofficial EDM remixes of fan favorite tracks have been bumping from convention halls to earbuds all across the world. And now, Hasbro Studios is getting in on the action with the release of DJPON3 Presents My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Remixed.
  • 8 Victims of MC Hammer: Madonna, Vanilla Ice, AC/DC and More

    MC Hammer took his first step to the top of the Billboard 200 on this date 25 years ago with Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em , the hip-hop album that would introduce the world to "U Can't Touch This" and help the rapper to maintain a place at the top of the charts for 21 weeks, interrupted only once. That's impressive but it makes us feel bad for all of the other performers who were denied a no. 1 album by that craze. Nothing tops a best-selling album for musicians but Hammer wasn't trying to give his spot up. Music Times checked out the eight albums that took the no. 2 spot during Don't Hurt 'Em's run, from Madonna to Vanilla Ice, and listed them from least weeks to most in second place.
  • Avicii Slams British Tabloid For Madonna 'Rebel Heart' Misquote

    Avicii is not a happy man right now. He recently lashed out on Instagram rather viciously against a reporter for British tabloid The Daily Star, which the "Wake Me Up" star accuses to misquoting and twisting his words to try and pit him against Madonna. He is asked about working with Madg on her recent album Rebel Heart and he was quoted as saying he liked his demos better than the final versions.
  • The Beatles' 'White Album' Signed by Charles Manson on Sale for Nearly $50,000 via iOffer

    It's widley known that Charles Manson drew ideas and often referenced the Beatles "White Album" when describing the war on race and his involvement in 'Helter Skelter.' A copy of the 1968 LP has surfaced for sale, allegedly signed by Charles Manson and his fellow criminal confidants Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houten, Charles 'Tex' Watson and Pat Krenwinkel.
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